Oxford International Resources: Writing and Grammar Skills: Practice Book 5
Oxford International Resources: Writing and Grammar Skills teaches students the literary skills they need in the real-world. This structured, whole school approach develops the writing and grammar skills necessary for a successful future. Students will discover the joy of learning through exploring a range of genres, including labels and instructions, stories, reports and diaries, games, poems and plays, writing to friends and family and writing to persuade. All writing is based on useful writing students might do in the real-world, with an emphasis placed upon purpose and audience. Engaging writing prompts and open-ended activites motivate learners and support their creative writing. They are asked to bring in their own ideas to the classroom, encouraging a widening of vocabulary as they share their different ideas with the class. Activities also reinforce grammatical understanding and application in context - each lesson focuses on one aspect of grammar, offering examples and supporting students to use that aspect in their writing. The visual grammar glossary provides easy to understand definitions, clear examples and activities to consolidate understanding. There is a key focus throughout all stages on the mastery of the sentence; the ability to express a complex sentence is the key to academic success across all subjects. Activities are differentiated, with low-floor, high-ceiling writing tasks and support throughout for EAL students.