Physics Questions for CCEA A2 level-9781780732169

Physics Questions for CCEA A2 level

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Provides a bank of approximately 200 original (not from past papers) questions with answers and covers units A2 1, A2 2 and A2 3. Useful for homework, setting as classwork or for pupil exam practice. Includes questions on practical techniques and data analysis. The detailed answers include an indication of the process used to obtain the solution. Has been subject to a detailed quality assurance process by an independent Physics expert. Contents Unit 4 (A2 1): Deformation of Solids, Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 4.1 Deformation of Solids4.2 Thermal Physics4.3 Uniform Circular Motion4.4 Simple Harmonic Motion4.5 The Nucleus4.6 Nuclear Decay4.7 Nuclear Energy4.8 Nuclear Fission and FusionUnit 5 (A2 2): Fields and their Applications - 5.1& 5.2 Force Fields and Gravitational Fields5.3 Electric Fields5.4 Capacitors5.5 Magnetic Fields5.6 Deflection of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields5.7 & 5.8 Particle Accelerators and Fundamental ParticlesUnit 6 (A2 3): Practical Techniques and Data Analysis -

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